Just Me on 06/13/2016 - Mon 15:31
22 reviews
I love this sun block! Ive been using it for years and it is a perfect tint to even out my skin tone and seems healing to my skin. I use it everyday rain or shine. Cant recommend it highly enough
Anna Rose on 06/05/2016 - Sun 06:48
22 reviews
I first purchased this several years ago for my Caribbean vacation. I had been getting away with regular sunscreen but had recently starting burning really badly and the sun was also affecting my rosacea. I was happy to find the tinted Zinc. I applied it immediately when we got to the hotel. When I came out of the bathroom, my sister was like 'did you seriously just put on makeup.' Not only did this keep me sunburn free, I now wear it everyday as 'foundation!'
Jen on 03/13/2016 - Sun 16:10
22 reviews
I wrote a review on this product back in Aug. of 2014 but wanted to come back and write again as I am about to place an order for what is easily my 8th tube of this stuff! I wear it every single day, rain or shine and also to the gym because it cuts back on the redness/flushing I would get from even the smallest bit of exercising. I don't have Rosacea but I'm in my 30s and have always been a pretty severe "blusher" - it was starting to cause me so much embarrassment that it was affecting my mood & my life & making it to the point where I was avoiding social situations because I lived in fear that my face would suddenly turn bright red. It's not a magic cure or anything, as sometimes it still isn't enough to hide the redness...but it most definitely helps and I am very grateful to have found this product.
Leocaroki@aol.com on 03/11/2015 - Wed 03:34
22 reviews
A great product! The only problem is that it contains paraben.
Sanga on 02/18/2015 - Wed 02:02
22 reviews
I have been using Tinted Zinco for many years every day and am happy with it. The only problem is that it doesnt do well in the heat, it tends to 'melt'. This is in an Australian summer with temperatures over 30 degrees. I always use the unshine powder and that helps a bit. If anyone has any tips I would be happy to hear about it.